Niazi M, Zolfaghari A, Vahedian M, Mahdian A. Meta-Analysis of Studies on the Effects of Rehabilitation on the Quality of Life in Patients with Heart Diseases in Iran from 2007 to 2017. EBHPME 2022; 6 (3) :207-216
چکیده: (1410 مشاهده)
Background: Heart disease is one of the most common types of diseases in the contemporary world. In the treatment process, rehabilitation programs can bring patients back to the course of daily life as soon as possible, and improve their functional levels life quality. The present study used the meta-analysis method on studies that have examined the effects of rehabilitation on the life quality of heart patients.
Methods: Based on meta-analysis method, the researchers tried to compile different studies conducted at different periods in the form of a specific subject. Then, the research results were examined in a systematic way. The statistical population of this study included all the scientific and research papers on the effects of rehabilitation programs regarding the life quality of heart patients. They were studies from 2007 to the end of 2017 published in scientific journals. 44 studies regarding the life quality of heart patients have been conducted. Finally, 10 studies were selected as a sample and meta-analysis was performed using the Comprehensive Meta-Analysis Software 2(CMA2).
Results: Results of the study demonstrate that all the studies on the effects of rehabilitation on life quality of heart patients were significant. This means that the relationship between the variables considered in each study was statistically related, and this relationship was correct.
Conclusion: It is concluded that sports rehabilitation has the highest impact on life quality and physical and mental dimensions. Generally, all effects’ sizes are significant. This confirms that the results of all the research conducted regarding the effect of rehabilitation programs on the life quality of heart patients are correct; rehabilitation has an effect on improving the quality of life.
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موضوع مقاله:
عمومى دریافت: 1400/9/1 | پذیرش: 1401/7/26 | انتشار: 1401/7/26