Isfahani P, Afshari M, Miri A, Shanavazi E, Arefy M, Shahreki J. Success Rate of Strategic Planning: A Case Study of a Medical Science Uni-versity in Southeast Iran. EBHPME 2022; 6 (4) :227-234
چکیده: (880 مشاهده)
Background: Successful implementation of strategic planning can can play an important role in improving the performance of organizations. This study aims to determine the success rate of strategic planning at a Medical Science University in Southeast Iran.
Methods: This descriptive-analytical study conducted at the Zabol University of Medical Science in southeast Iran in 2018. 168 top-level, middle-level, operational managers and employees were involved in the strategic planning process. They were randomly selected by stratified sampling method. Data were collected using a standard questionnaire and analyzed by proper statistical tests in SPSS19 software.
Results: Strategic planning implementation was moderately successful at Zabol University of medical science ( score 2/99 out of 5). The highest success was observed for leadership and management, planning dimensions, and the least belonged to the domains of employees' management and organizational learning. Leadership and management, planning, and organizational culture constructs had the greatest effect on the success of strategic plans.
Conclusion: The success rate of strategic planning at this university was average. Therefore, health managers and policymakers must take action for its successful implementation in universities.
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دریافت: 1401/4/1 | پذیرش: 1401/8/4 | انتشار: 1401/10/10